From Orphan to Christian by Emily Sides

Have you wondered how you managed to get to where you are today? One minute I’m an orphan in a Russian Orphanage the next thing I know I am a Christian at Northwestern College. With God all things are possible, he has a plan for everyone. In the story of Joseph he was living in Canaan with his family, but his brothers betrayed him and lied to their father about his death. But God had other plans for Joseph by making him the ruler of Egypt and helping with the famine. When his brothers came back, he forgave them and helped them. God has plans for us when we are in college or somewhere else, he will be with us and help us whenever we are going through a rough time. He had a plan for me to come to Northwestern because he knew I would belong here. My time here at Northwestern has been a lot of work and fun. I would encourage other students with disabilities to come here. My favorite subjects are video production, TPE, and positive choices. I like these subjects because video production is teaching me how to make my videos better on my YouTube channel. I want to increase my acting experience so I’m taking TPE. I already know some of the stuff I’m learning in positive choices, but I don’t mind learning some of the same stuff that I learned in my Child development class in high school. Hope you guys like my February blog post.       

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